Long Lines and Tight Circles

Long Lines

I was at the station heading into London last week when I spotted Richard standing on a distant platform. He spotted me too, we smiled at each other and I tried to say hello across the noise of arriving and departing trains. The verbal signal got lost, Richard couldn’t hear me. Just at that moment, the announcer informed me my train was delayed by five minutes, so I ran up on to the bridge that connects the platforms and across to where Richard was standing. We shook hands and talked briefly before realising that the train Richard was waiting for would work for me too. We boarded the train, enjoyed a fun conversation talking about each others businesses and the minor geek coincidence that we are both going to see Rush at the O2 arena later this month. We swapped contact details and parted company at London Bridge.

So what? Well I think this is probably the longest gap in conversation I’ve experienced so far in my life. I don’t think Richard and I had spoken since we were both in short trousers at primary school together, yet I remembered him immediately, and he, me.  I’m pleased we chose to acknowledge and speak rather than ignore and disappear. Long lines.

Tight Circles

I’ve just returned from a fantastic weekend away with good friends Ade, Curly and Simon. We’ve all known each other a long time, 30 years and more, and though we don’t see each other together often, when we do, it’s like no time has passed. Yes we’re older, yes we’re more stupid, and yes we still think we can drink as much as when we first met. As mischievous as these three friends are (because of course I’m not like that at all…), our friendship and trust allows us to lock straight back into a strong bond each and every time we meet.

So what? Well it’s easy to say we all lead busy lives, we’re all ‘sorry that we can’t be there’, We’re all ‘Work comes first I’m sure you’ll understand’, ‘Oh and by the way I must tell you, before I sign off, that I’ve got a meeting next week, with the head of a big corporate. I can’t disclose who but I’m sure you’ll know it and.’ OK OK, I confess I’ve been stealing again – these snippets come from Burning Sky, written by Paul Weller and performed by The Jam on the Setting Sons album. Sure, it’s easy to say these things, and it doesn’t always make it right. Me? I choose – tight circles.

Crap Engagement – a song about work

This is a version of Crap Engagement, first performed live last week at the ConnectingHR unconference. Lyrics by Neil Usher, arranged and performed by Doug Shaw. Original music by Paul Weller. Hope you like it. The photo above was taken by Callum Saunders at the May ConnectingHR Unconference, thanks Callum.

Wrong kind of leaves and I’m two hours late
The interviewer thinks I’m the next candidate
He ends in tears, got personal issues
I get the job because I’m carrying tissues
That’s crap recruitment, that’s crap recruitment……

First day and they forget I’m arriving
It’s like a juggernaut with no-one driving
A mass walkout ‘cause the boss is a nazi
I get promoted ‘cause I was in the khasi
That’s crap engagement, that’s crap engagement…..

Log on by eleven but they block social media
They think Twitter’s just for Justin Bieber
Cant get a smartphone or a tablet PC
They say they’re part of the liberal conspiracy….
That’s crap equipment, that’s crap equipment,….

Their take on modern flexible culture
Is circling over your head like a vulture
They tried mobility but that was a failure
Half the staff went to work in Australia
That’s crap enslavement, that’s crap enslavement…..

Waking up from bad dreams in foetal position
Ignore the whispers and stares of suspicion
I get an e-mail saying I’ve failed probation
Here’s a box to pack your humiliation
That’s crap termination, that’s crap termination…..

Two worlds passing like ships at midnight
Concluded I’ve been missing the solitude
I’ll keep trying till I find what’s right (for me)
And in the meantime make Jam and write poetry….
Crap entertainment, crap entertainment….