About The Weather : Further Developments

Since finishing and placing the Sunshine and Showers free art drop, I’ve continued playing with the basic design and colours in my mind. This weekend I decided to scale the idea up from last week’s 10 x 25 cm study, to a 40cm x 50cm canvas.

This time I chose three shades of blue – which I initially applied with different size brushes straight from the tube, before gradually mixing the shades together on the palette and adding white, creating more variations as the work progressed. I worked on an overpainted canvas – from memory I think there were about four layers of paint previously applied before I got to work on this latest one.

I like how the previous paint layers have added depth and affected the most recent one – and the continuous blending and mixing of the three shades of blue has produced a tonal variety which I’m enjoying looking at. If you would like to purchase this artwork, please get in touch.

About The Weather : Sunshine and Showers

Some weeks I ask around on social media for a few ideas to help spark designs for the free art project. This is one of those weeks and I got some great suggestions from people – and one of the common themes was the recent changeable weather. The past few days have seen quick shifts from sun, to (sometimes heavy) showers, and back again.

After about 90 minutes, here’s what I came up with. I took a break and thought I may add more to the design – and on reflection I’ll leave it as is. I may remake it and add more next time…? This will be the next free art drop – if you live in the Wallington area – keep an eye out for it.

Update: Here is a photo of the art in place – it has now been found.

Sunshine and SHowers in place.jpg


Wallington Weather

A huge lightning storm rolled over our town (and much of Southern England) this week. I slept right through it! Subsequently I’ve seen a few photos of dark purple skies crackling to life in the storm. I thought this would make a good subject for this week’s free art drop, so here’s what I made. Watercolour and silver leaf.