Creative Leadership – A Tipping Point

For the last couple of years or so I’ve been experimenting with art. Partly as a tool to enable others to make work better, and partly for the sheer hell of it. One of the best things about making paintings and sketches, is the opportunity to send them to other people. I’ve come to love my regular trips to the Post Office where I wave goodbye to these little works of art. My work has ended up in many places across the UK, and in several States in America. I am grateful for the opportunity to share, and for the feedback I receive.

Tipping Point

Yesterday I arrived home after a long day of work and fun. I was greeted by an original piece of artwork by Alison Chisnell. Even though I knew it was on the way, the arrival of this wonderful little sky scene stopped me in my tracks. This is the first time that I can recall a piece of art coming back in the other direction, to me instead of from me, and I am uplifted and delighted to be the recipient of such a kind gift. The picture reminds me of my very recent walk in Cornwall with Flora, and the fact that it arrived with me just as Creative Leadership is launching, is surely a good omen.

Small is the New Significant

When he was interviewed about the Principles of Creative Leadership over at Fast Company, Sir Ken Robinson said, “Creativity is not some exotic, optional extra. It’s a strategic issue.” I agree with him, and I also think it should occupy some of the smaller, day to day space in our lives too. It’s as much about looking for the next small thing, as the next big thing. As my friend David Zinger so eloquently puts it, “Small is the new significant”. Amen to that.