I just couldn’t sleep last night. This is an exciting week. Normally when I can’t sleep I sit around downstairs eating cereal and wishing I was asleep. Not this time. This time I chose to put my untimely awakedness to good use. I designed two more business cards. The inspiration for the owl card is clear (I hope). The graph paper one probably indicates a degree of OCD. Whatever – I like them and I’m sure whoever chooses them will too.
If you have any good examples of customer cards or what to do when you can’t get no sleep, drop us a line with your news.
Doug, Your creativity is boundless! I hope tonight sleep is abundant!
Hi Amy. Thanks very much, I’m having great fun playing with new card ideas, and so have others too. Watch this space for some interesting contributions from other folk. Someone I met on Tuesday said the owl card was beautiful. That was kind, I appreciated that. And yes, I slept well thanks.
Catch up soon – always good to hear from you
Nice work !
this one is mine..
http://twitpic.com/3z90xo/full !!
hope you like it.
Navin that is very clever – beautifully done and…..well it’s simply brilliant! Thanks for sharing.
Hi Narvin where did you get that business card produce not talking about design just the print company that did for you
thank you