Viagogo Vianono – Slight Reprise

Systems are funny things eh? I mean, you can wait weeks and weeks and weeks for a company to deliver on its promises, all because the system is broken and a manual intervention is required.

I’ve lost count of the number of times Viagogo has told Carole things like, ‘Your bank wouldn’t accept payment, we’ll have to do it manually which takes much longer’, and, ‘we’ve processed the refund it will be with you in the next fews days’.

In our frustration we’ve escalated our complaint to Viagogo’s CEO, who chose to remain silent. We’ve nagged Viagogo on Facebook and Twitter and all to no avail. False promises, more delays.

And so it came to pass that last Wednesday, Matthew Jeffery planted the seed of an idea about writing a song of complaint. Keira then provided the Viagogo Vianono hook and on Wednesday evening, my angry little tune appeared on Youtube.

What happened next? At sometime after 11pm that very same day Carole received a text saying the refund would be processed immediately. The following morning, a £334 refund appeared in our bank account.

That’s it then, the power of song finally prevailed, the system miraculously become unbroken and we got our money back.

Carole’s immediate response was: I eventually received good customer service, but it took a song to get it!

To which I replied: I’m sorry but I don’t agree that you got good service. The simple fact that Viagogo were able to settle this so promptly as the intensity grew, shows me that all their previous delays were unnecessary. They could and should have refunded you weeks ago. Mind you, if they had then we wouldn’t have this blistering tune!

And Carole responded: Well I do agree that up until yesterday I’d had worse than no customer service. I’d had a whole lot of empty promises. However I’m now of the opinion that some of the people I spoke to were well intentioned. They were just hung out to dry by their colleagues, supervisors and managers alike. Having done that job years ago for a company with a with a similarly screw you attitude I know what that feels like. If ever a company needed some ‘stop doing dumb things to customers’ help this is it.

Thanks for the plug Carole 😉 – and in addition, you also reminded me of Broc’s comment on yesterday’s post: I’m a firm believer in the idea that the customer experience never exceeds the employee experience (CX<EX). I share that belief, so I wish you a happy Friday and ask that as you go about your work today, please consider what you are doing and how it is helping you and your colleagues to serve each other, and the customer, better. And if what you are doing is not contributing to that impact, ask yourself – ‘Why am I doing this?’

Author: Doug Shaw

Artist and Consultant. Embracing uncertainty, sketching myself into existence. Helping people do things differently, through an artistic lens.

10 thoughts on “Viagogo Vianono – Slight Reprise”

  1. I remain in awe of your musical creativity….I just wish I had some skill in that arena. I have had my own small victory about a CD, A birthday gift from my daughter to my wife, that was damaged in a hotel’s CD player. I complained and got nowhere with the staff so afterwards I mentioned it in my Tripadvisor write up (having noted that the manager had responded to previous reviews of the hotel). Almost two months later the General Manager has been in contact and is NOW arranging a replacement! It shouldn’t have to be that way!

  2. Footnote:

    In amongst all this mess, Carole has mentioned two people at Viagogo who seem to want to help, Mark and Marcelo. This doesn’t detract from the overall fiasco yet it feels like they’ve genuinely tried to get things done. It isn’t right that people like this have to push water uphill in order to deliver on promises, but it is right to acknowledge that they have tried.

  3. Great story – do you have Eric Baker (CEO) email address ? I have been waiting for a refund since October 2013, so would like to warn Mr Baker that legal action is imminent unless his ‘customer service’ team stop ignoring me.

    1. Hi John – the guy we liaised with was Ed Parkinson who I think is responsible for Viagogo in the UK. I should warn you – he didn’t reply to any of the emails we sent him but you can contact him at – good luck.

  4. Viagogo are a rip off, bought tickets for Robbie Williams, distinctly says you will be seated together. When tickets arrive they are standing! We are in our 60’s and would never book standing. Keep getting computer generated
    no exchange no refund.change The the damn tickets.a definite case of mis selling

    1. Hello Carol – sorry to learn that you’ve had a bad experience. We persisted with our complaints and after several weeks we did manage to reach a resolution with Viagogo – based on my experience and the persistence of my wife, keeping going does eventually seem to work. I hope you get a satisfactory outcome.

  5. Hello!
    I just get my money back after the cancellation of the concert of the Red Hot!
    After sending a lot emails every where! To Eric baker and the others owners,
    I get the total from my payments.
    My conseil to all customers don’t use the systems of tickets sales. It’s to expensive and you have no way back if you think the ordering are expensive.
    For me, it was the last one!!!

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