Waltzing Matilda – A Song for Rupert Murdoch

A few days ago whilst I was away cycling in the Peak District Rick tweeted and pointed me in the direction of the excellent Democracy Fail blog, and in particular he referenced a song they’d written on the blog around the time of Rupert Murdoch’s 80th birthday. Rick suggested I might try and sing it, the good people at Democracy Fail agreed so the scene was set. As we all know the News International saga took another turn today so I’ve recorded the song and taken the liberty of adding a new verse, just to keep things fresh. Hope you like it.

I’m an Aussie rag man with a global media empire,
Pommies cannot move for my papers and TV.
Strewth I always get my way with the PM of the day,
An exchange of favours beats democracy.

I’ll keep you in office, if you boost my profits,
The fairest dinkum deal you are likely to see.
Strewth I always get my way with the PM of the day,
An exchange of favours beats democracy.

Whatever side they represent, most MPs are heaven sent,
Their re-election prospects are assisted by me.
Politicians watch your backs, Rebekah’s had your mobiles hacked.
Just stand aside while I take BSkyB.

I’ll keep you in office, if you boost my profits,
The fairest dinkum deal you are likely to see.
Politicians watch your backs, Rebekah’s had your mobiles hacked
Just stand aside while I take BSkyB.

Though 80 now and getting on, I’ve sorted it with Cameron,
Shoring up Great Britain for the Murdoch dynasty.
Our family corporation plans to eat your Pommy nation and
You’ll soon see James is no pussycat like me.

I’ll keep you in office, if you boost my profits,
The fairest dinkum deal you are likely to see.
Our family corporation plans to eat your Pommy nation and
You’ll soon see James is no pussycat like me.

Now the hacking things gone off the scale, I’m feeling sick, feeling pale
I’ll try and blame everybody else but me
I’ve had to pull the TV bid because of what Rebekah did
Maybe I’ll have to try and buy the goddam BBC

I’ll keep you in office, if you boost my profits
The fairest dinkum deal you are likely to see
I’ve had to pull the TV bid because of what Rebekah did
Maybe I’ll have to try and buy the goddam BBC

Author: Doug Shaw

Artist and Consultant. Embracing uncertainty, sketching myself into existence. Helping people do things differently, through an artistic lens.

14 thoughts on “Waltzing Matilda – A Song for Rupert Murdoch”

  1. Looking forward to “Tie my newspapers down, sport. Tie my newspapers down” next, Doug!

    Well done>


  2. Tee hee – a pleasing way to end a grim week. Thanks Doug but still not sure whether to laugh or cry.

    1. Hello Lynne – maybe we should do both – I often do? Thanks for your visit and hope to see you soon.

    1. Thanks Peter – that’s very kind of you. This little number has attracted quite a bit of attention and I enjoyed working on it. Huge thanks to @democracyfail for kind permission in using their lyrics and letting me add a few of my own.

    1. Hey Peter – I sent it to the Guardian Culture desk – he he – I expect that will be the last I’ll hear of that, do you fancy bothering them too? 😉

  3. Whenever I hear that tune it reminds me of being in the stadium in 2003 when England played Australia in the RWC final. After the anthems they wheeled out some folksie chap who started to play Waltzing Matilda with the PA system on full….until one of the fans in white ran on and wrapped a scarf round his mush….

    I guess the same thing happened to Murdoch this week!

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