Five Wishes

I just read an interesting article on a great site run by Bruce Temkin. His piece is titled Five Wishes for Customer Service in 2010. The five wishes are:

1 – Forget about average handle times.
2 – Learn from every interaction.
3 – Recover quickly and be proactive.
4 – Make customer service a product attribute.
5 – Engage reps in customer experience transformation.

OK so strictly speaking wish three is two wishes but hey, I’m all for the occasional Wish Once Get One Free. I particularly like number 2, and number 5. I encourage you to read the full lowdown at Bruce’s, it won’t take long and I think you will find it useful.

What is Missing?

Having recently posted talks from Barry Schwartz, Dan Pink and Curt Coffman all focussing on the importance of employee engagement, I got stuck into the Towers Perrin Global Workforce Study for some light reading. It’s a great report, crammed full of useful facts and figures and powerful arguments for employee engagement as a basis for sustainable change. In particular, the analysis on how engagement affects financial and individual performance stood out for me.

Financial Proof that Employee Engagement Works

This looks like a rare beast, a win win scenario. The more I examine the evidence, the harder I struggle to understand why these principles aren’t more widely understood, and indeed practiced.

I need your help. In your experience, what is it that stops organisations from embracing the connection between employee engagement and improved financial performance, and doing something meaningful about it? Have you got any examples of this in action?

Engagement Revolution Evolution

David Zinger’s model for Employee Engagement is a revolution (in some ways quite literally). And now, with version 1.2 coming, it’s an evolution of a revolution. It links all the things that you would expect to see in a high performing, purposeful culture, integrated to achieve great results.

I recommend this model to anyone with even the vaguest interest in the wellbeing and success of their colleagues, customers and themselves. As the evolution evolves, I’ll put links to further developments on the blog.