Connections – by Keira

Earlier in the year I was having a conversation with Keira about making friends and getting stuff done. She scribbled down a few of her thoughts and we agreed they’d make a good blog post somewhere down the line. In the midst of everything I’ve been writing about connections, this seemed a perfect time to hand the reins over to Keira again.

Keira has guest blogged a few times before, previously writing about kindness, love and learning, and I’m pleased she is back again, writing about connections. Thanks Keira.

Even if you’re not very happy, smile at someone else to make their day better, which in turn will help you feel better. What goes around comes around.

An office is just a playground for bigger children.

The people who choose to keep a grudge and a frown are just like the bullies don’t let them dampen your spirits.

If you’re trying something new get a friend to help you. Maybe a colleague after all some of your closest friends could be from work.

It can be a scary experience going to a new work. As I said before, work is like a play ground. It wasn’t a problem for me as I’m a bit of a chatterbox. I made a friend as soon as I opened my mouth, but for some it isn’t as easy.

I enjoyed our conversation at the time and transcribing Keira’s notes across to the blog reminded me of the importance of gathering different perspectives. If you are in an office today, maybe you can find a way to make it feel a little more like a playground?


Author: Doug Shaw

Artist and Consultant. Embracing uncertainty, sketching myself into existence. Helping people do things differently, through an artistic lens.

4 thoughts on “Connections – by Keira”

  1. Keira – Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Maybe some of your chatterbox will rub off on us! May we all look at things through your eyes. Sending big smiles your way!


  2. Hi Keira – I love your thoughts and I have shared them with colleagues here at Essex. I love the idea of an office as a playground and today I am hosting a meeting of our Council’s ‘Our Voice Forum’ – an employee panel who meet quarterly and we talk about loads of different things – today’s hot topic is about innovation and making time to think, and the importance of networking/connecting with each other to spark ideas so your messages are very apt. Thank you. Lisa

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