Three Little Words

I’m doing a lot of work in London and though the commute is a bit of a drag, I do enjoy the walk to the train station of a morning. In my head three words buzzed around as I walked. Three words I will need to help me do good work this week.

Simple. Accessible. Authentic.

I tweeted these three words while waiting for my train and I invited others to respond. Here is what the immediacy of Twitter fed back to me:

Natalie Weaving was first out of the blocks with: Motivated. Positive. Committed.

The HRD, back from a week on holiday hit us with simply….: Wine.

Rosemarie McGuire went for: Reality. Impact. Professionalism.

Kevin Ball then suggested three words for Gareth Jones. Breakfast. Lunch. Dinner. Given that I was on the way to meet Gareth for breakfast and he in turn was then off for lunch and other mainly eating related appointments – this was a fitting set of words.

Katie D, aka HRHopeful is hoping for: Focus. Clarity. And good candidates.

Sukh Pabial (Gareth’s lunch date) was in search of: Sleep. Friends. Food. I know he found the second and third – more news on number one when I get it.

Katherine Wiid is seeking: Perseverance. And she appreciated (and is welcome to share) Authentic .

And suddenly, they were gone. Twitter’s in the momentness is great. This morning it allowed me to share three little words and for others to share theirs too. Twitter – I love you.

If you want to share three little words here. Please. Do. So.

photo c/o Tony3

Author: Doug Shaw

Artist and Consultant. Embracing uncertainty, sketching myself into existence. Helping people do things differently, through an artistic lens.

12 thoughts on “Three Little Words”

  1. What a great post! Sorry I missed the twitter chat on this one. My three words for this week: buy less shoes πŸ™‚

    1. Wonderful choices thanks Sarah – I look forward to your tweet next week with a new three.

      Cheers – Doug

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