Creative Leadership – Essential Reading #3

Reminder: This is a short series of book reviews. The four books in this review series are all about creativity, love, art and leadership (at least that’s what they inspire in me). Separately – each one is a super read. Together – they make up the motherlode. If you are looking for insight and inspiration, I strongly recommend you acquire, and read all four. I’m reviewing the four books in the order they came to me.

Creative Leadership - Essential Reading

First up was 101 Things to Learn in Art School by Kit White – a gift to me from the lovely Carole.

Next came The Year Without Pants – a recommendation to me from the lovely Heather.

Today it’s the turn of Steal Like An Artist – by Austin Kleon.

I met Austin Kleon by chance in an airport bar. We just happened to sit next to one another, two souls travelling in opposite directions, briefly united by bar stools, salty snacks and beer. We talked of our love of all things art, and when the time came to part, he kindly gave me a copy of his wonderful book.

Sadly, I made that up, but it sounds so much nicer than: I’d heard about this book by this guy and so I bought it on Amazon, don’t you think?

Steal Like An Artist is a fabulously doodled, scribbled and sketched list of tips, hints, thoughts and ideas about the world of creativity. It’s a short, accessible book, as easily read from start to finish as it is dipped into at any point, as and when the mood takes you. Rather than walk you through the book, I’m just going to begin at the end, and share two pages titled ‘What Now?’

What Now?

  • Take a walk
  • Start your swipe file
  • Go to the library
  • Buy a notebook and use it
  • Get yourself a calendar
  • Start your logbook
  • Give a copy of this book away
  • Start a blog
  • Take a nap

So – all you need to do now is get hold of a copy of the book and read what goes before this list, then get stuck in. And today, you are in luck. In the previous reviews I mentioned I’ve given away copies of 101 Things and The Year Without Pants. Well I’ve done the same with this book too, and I’m doing it again.


I have three copies to give away in a summer goodie bag. To win the book, and a load of other fun, useful goodies, simply leave a comment on the blog. Everyone who comments goes into the hat, the draw is next week. Good luck.

Author: Doug Shaw

Artist and Consultant. Embracing uncertainty, sketching myself into existence. Helping people do things differently, through an artistic lens.

4 thoughts on “Creative Leadership – Essential Reading #3”

  1. Great post Doug – love the vision of the airport meeting and the final page to work back from. Your style is as fun as I’ve found meeting you. Have you read “101 things i learned in architecture school”? One of my favourite books 🙂 Look forward to a catch up soon. Stef

  2. Doug, you inspire me to greater heights. I enjoy your blogs tremendously. I live by “beginning with the end in mind”.

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