Lightweight Nerd

Travelling Light

When I used to time trial on my bike I was a fully paid up weight weenie, a nerdy type who obsesses about how light the bike and components can be (whilst in my case also continuing to stuff cake down his throat after every race). This afternoon I travel to Belfast to get ready for a day of interesting work and meetings. I’m travelling with Flybe who have an extremely Scrooge like baggage allowance of only 10kg included in the ticket price.

Cue a revisit to weight weenie ville.

I’m almost proud to say I’ve just spent the past hour and a half weighing my travel bag and contents to ensure I don’t fall foul of the weight police later on today. Here’s the lowdown on pretty much everything I’m taking with me, sadly I know this info will appeal to some of my more geeky/OCD mates, he he.

Travel Bag: 2,150g

Lightweight Shirt: 165g

Trousers: 435g

Pants ‘n’ Socks: 240g

Marker Pens: 105g

Ipad and Stylus: 875g

Mini Paint Set: 100g

Netbook, Mouse, Memory Stick and Charger: 1,700g

Toiletries: 650g

Lightweight Shoes: 540g

So it turns out I’m gonna boss the weight allowance, yay! If you were me, what else might you pack for this two day trip? Whatever it is I hope you have a fun, nerdy week ahead too.

Author: Doug Shaw

Artist and Consultant. Embracing uncertainty, sketching myself into existence. Helping people do things differently, through an artistic lens.

10 thoughts on “Lightweight Nerd”

  1. Why am I drawn to this post? Hmmm…..

    From the Peter Gold list of essentials, you’ve forgotten the teddy (of the bear variety, not the negligee variety) although each to their own……

    1. I’m tempted to pack both, which would weigh more? Which might cause more uproar as it falls to the floor when security is checking my bag? 😉

  2. Doug – as a frequent flyer with mr o’leary, I’m used to the 10k limit, so end up putting items in my jacket and coat pockets – if you have an internal pocket on the jacket surely the ipad can fit in their rather than in the bag?

    1. I’m sure there was an episode of The Goodies where one of them had giant trouser pockets – I’ll see what I can do. Thanks Tony

  3. Yup, I am one of those in the geekyOCD club. So glad its not just me who weighs pants. I’ve been known to do that before setting off with my rucksack and tent into some remote Scottish glen. I think you are missing a hip flask though…

    1. Why of course Flora, I knew there was something vital missing, shame I’m not allowed to put any liquid in it pre-flight though 🙁

  4. Doug
    I did much the same recently when I flew to Baden on Ryanair on business. I’d ditch the wash bag as a sandwich bag is lighter and have a stack of sachets of toiletries to use on business trips.I’d have packed my running kit instead of your paints and wouldn’t have gone without our little travel mascot – Brewster – a small black bear from Jasper (Canada).
    If you’re borderline with luggage weight you can beat the system by putting stuff in your coat pocket ….. until the weight police work out that you can take more than 10kg of luggage in a few big pockets! Be careful though – fishing out a pair of undies to blow your nose does get you strange looks!
    Ryanair are pretty strict but at Baden Airpark the security staff weigh any luggage that looks heavier than the carry on allowance and send people back to the check in desk if it exceeds the weight. Was glad we stuck to the rules.

  5. Take Carole

    She will blow the 10kg limit anyway and you can put the rest of your stuff in her suitcase!!

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