Fancy a Curry? The Morning After

I don’t really want to go into the details of curry after effect. No, best not eh. So how are things in unsolicited email land? If that sentence means nowt to you, you can enjoy the Currys experience and song here first, then pop back and continue…

After five months of trying unsuccessfully to unsubscribe from Currys email database, the first Currys blog post, song and complaint letter to the ASA went live on Jan 12th. In 24 hours the song and blog post together received just shy of 400 views.

On Jan 13th some Twitter conversation started when @dixonsdelivery made contact

dixons tweets

On Jan 15th I shared my frustration with the CEO of Dixons Stores Group Retail (who own Currys/PC World). And I contacted @dixonsdelivery. That same day I heard from the previously silent @dixonsops. Coincidence? You decide.

dixonsops tweet

I dropped a line to @dixonsops saying I think everything is under control. Then on Jan 16th I got a follow on Twitter from @MarkWebb_Dixons. I followed back on the 17th and this happened:

Mark Webb Tweets

Yep – we had a conversation, a straightforward, honest and quite enjoyable chat on twitter. Well done Mark. And have the emails stopped yet? Well I had one on Monday – nothing since – fingers crossed.

So once again the power of the song and the social web prevails. And whilst I admit I quite enjoy bashing out these songs about poor service, it doesn’t reflect well on the world of customer service when we have to go to such lengths just to make something simple happen.


Author: Doug Shaw

Artist and Consultant. Embracing uncertainty, sketching myself into existence. Helping people do things differently, through an artistic lens.

6 thoughts on “Fancy a Curry? The Morning After”

  1. Doug
    This reminds me of an episode of “That’s Life” with Cyrillle Regis and Esther Rantzen. (He said…she said..) I can’t wait for the pictures of the root vegetables that resemble parts of the anatomy : )

  2. Nice to see the ‘little guy’ (in organisational terms not you personally Doug!!) get some response. Although it does nicely bring into sharp relief one of the pitfalls of a brand using Twitter.

    Seb James (@dixonsops) may have the view that it’s not a customer service profile but no where does it state that or give alternative details for a complaint such as this – brands need to mindful how their accounts may be percieved by customers and communicate (and signpost) accordingly.

    Bravo Doug!!

    1. Thanks Rob. Of course I and others shouldn’t have to resort to this, and yet there’s a fun element to the little guy kicking back – I can’t deny that.

      Your point about communication and signposting is well made – I’ll reference that angle in the CIPD talk next week, with due credit to you of course 🙂

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