Search Me!

Man there’s some weirdos out there. And after a wander through the search terms that people use to reach my blog, it seems some of them aren’t so very far away. You’re not one of them, are you? Of course not, you’re way too smart. And because I know you’re curious too, here’s a list of some of the oddest search terms I’ve seen around here the past few days:

1. HR Halloween ‘unhuman’ resources – it’s getting close to that time of year again folks

2. Zombie HR – see number 1

3. Stop doing things in the post room – yes seriously, please stop. I mean sending letters and stuff is so last century

4. Doug and Voldemort – we’re best buds

5. Homer Simpson’s certificate of excellence – we’re biiiig on employee recognition

6. Razzle magazine big potatoes no teeth – OK you got me – I have no idea

7. Modern gyms suck – nuff said

8. Cyclists tongue out – I’m good with this one, we should all stick our tongues out more

9. Running mummies – I’m unsure if this is about mums getting some exercise and/or halloween – maybe it’s both?

10. We’re outta here – this seems like a good place to stop

How about you – had any weirdos drop by lately?

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Author: Doug Shaw

Artist and Consultant. Embracing uncertainty, sketching myself into existence. Helping people do things differently, through an artistic lens.

9 thoughts on “Search Me!”

  1. Doug, sort of the opposite situation for me. I recently wrote a post on diversity and the tags suggested by WordPress included “hermit crab” and “Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith” (?!?). Had I used the recommended search tags, there would have been some sadly disappointed people dropping by and I’d have become the target of frustration for the legions of hermit crab fanboys out there. Not a chance I was willing to take…

    1. I didn’t know WordPress was so helpful as to suggest tags. From what I know though, hermit crab fanboys are keen learners and forgiving types so I think you’d have been OK with that one 😉

  2. Lovely & diverse Doug! Afraid I can’t trump that list but my own favourites are :

    “Guide me” – not sure what to make of that… inspirational or needy?
    “Business man in pool” – why oh why would you google that?!?
    “Mobile businessman” – just plain random…

    Then digging a bit deeper I had some that appear random but may actually be purposeful such as …

    “Waterbeds on the moon” – what exactly are people looking for when they google this?!? Then I realised that this guest post might be connected to the search term

    1. Good sharing thanks David. I like the random ones (well most of ’em) and just like you’ve found – sometimes there are connections to be made when we look a little further.

  3. Ha ha, welcome to SEO Doug! (Search Engine Optimisation). I can explain why you’re found for such terms, but why is anyone looking for Doug and Voldermort together?! What have you done?

    My logs are very boring. Hew is always telling me “where’s the sex?” when I post up a new blog. I’m clearly missing a trick!

  4. Those are funny. I always have some good ones a few of my favorites “Psychotic HR Lady” and “MILF’s in HR” – I continue to get traffic from my post on Mr. Bean AKA Rowan Atkinson. I’ve consider using that tag in every post 🙂

    1. Great stuff! I’d not thought about tagging the popular ones more frequently, think I’ll leave it though, not sure I want to be hearing from Big Potatoes No Teeth (that couldn’t be Rowan Atkinson….could it?) too often huh?

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