Easily Broken

I’m giving a short talk on meditation at the Workplace Trends conference in London next week. Increasingly I’m making time to develop and use my art as a way of preparing visual aids in my work. Most of the visuals in next week’s talk are hand drawn and painted and I’m sharing one element of that with you now. Part of the talk focuses on human fragility in an emotional context. I designed this cutout – which I’ve titled Easily Broken – to illustrate this. My friend George LaRoque told me he likes the design so I’m going to give it to him when I see him in Paris soon.

I decided to develop the idea a little further and the one piece of art has now become a triptych. I added red, possibly to symbolise lifeblood, into version two, and then in version three I went darker. I hardly ever use black paint and on this occasion I wanted to stay with the monochrome of the cutout pieces. As you can see – I put a couple of the cutout pieces out of sync in this third version.

Easily Broken - V1
Easily Broken – V1
Easily Broken - V2
Easily Broken – V2
Easily Broken - V3
Easily Broken – V3

While mixing the acrylic for V2, this paint flower briefly appeared on the palette. I photographed it before it disappeared into the mix and I’m including it here as it too was easily broken.

Paint Flower
Paint Flower

The Art of Recognition

A perfect thank you

It is the end of another enjoyable, packed, fascinating week of work. In the middle of this week’s canvas was a trip to Tate Modern to enjoy the Matisse cutouts with a small group of friends.

I returned home on Friday to find a bright purple envelope waiting for me. I opened it, and inside was this beautiful hand made card:

Thank YouWhat a lovely surprise! This gift hits all the right recognition buttons for me:

  • It was unexpected.
  • It is personal.
  • It is relevant – I love the simple genius of making a cut out card after visiting an exhibition of cut outs.
  • It is timely – we visited the exhibition on Wednesday afternoon – the card is with me on Friday.

Thanks Hilary – what a pleasure. I’m really grateful.

Cut Outs – Irises

It’s late Spring and there are a lot of irises growing in the garden, mostly purple and blue ones, and a few white and yellow ones. They’re lovely flowers.

Carrying on from the post card cut out experiment Keira and I started at the weekend I’ve scaled up and made an A4 sized picture of some irises.

I started with some smooth white card and coloured sections of it with a range of Letraset Promarkers, before cutting out the shapes I wanted. I then took Carole’s advice and arranged the shapes on different backgrounds to see which colour set the picture off best.

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Here are two photos of the work, one in its completed state, the other before I committed to sticking all the pieces down.