Slowly Bares The Soul

On arrival at Facilitation Jam last Friday, Flora shared with us a few words first spoken by Johan Wolfgang von Goethe:

Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.

And so began one of the deepest, most powerful experiences it has been my privilege to attend and share in. The time we spent together was fun, challenging, educational, observational and much more. We laughed, cried, walked, talked, dined and learned with and from each other, and we were bold beyond my high expectations.

I wrote this poem on Sunday as I reflected on my experience. I hope you like it.

Sincere thanks to David, Flora, Jools, Kev, Martin, Meg and Tash.

We’re Jamming

The office is closed today. A group of us are meeting in Greenwich London for a Facilitation Jam. I am confident it will create lots of challenge and useful fun, and I look forward to sharing my experiences with you soon.

In the meantime (geddit…Greenwich…meantime, never mind), can you find a little time to try something different today? Have fun.